Eagles Summit Ranches

Eagles Summit Ranch Texas was built in the beautiful Hill Country of South Texas. The ranch is located near several military installations and hospitals, such as Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, Ft. Hood, and others. We are excited to be building a place near these installations where soldiers and their families can come and be loved. We look forward to fulfilled dreams and a great future for ESR Texas.
Howdy, Y'all.
The dirt road to Eagles Summit Ranch is largely unmarked. Travel about 15 miles southeast of Junction, take a right and follow the dirt road past the gnarled cedars, the deer blinds, and the scrubby brush that marks the end of the Hill Country and the start of West Texas, and you’re there, at a large iron gate flanked by cast eagles.
Beyond our gates, are 300 acres of our property which is where we use multifaceted approaches to help wounded war veterans confront, accept, and move past the physical and mental trauma they’ve suffered.

The best memories are sometimes experienced... outdoors.
Second to riding, folks come to the ranch for some much-needed self-care. You can find them tossing around horseshoes, toting fishing poles down to the lake, shooting pool in the rec hall, or just lounging on their cabin porches.