SERE training is one of the most rigorous training programs for Special Forces of the U.S. military. It stands for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape. This training is required for all special operators in all branches of service. Dave Roever encountered this training during his own operations in Vietnam. He desires to pass on many of the skills he learned to future generations.
SERE Training in the U.S. military was developed for the express purpose of training soldiers in survival techniques. Roever Evangelistic Association recognized the value of teaching our leaders spiritual survival techniques. Many people have testified to the keeping power of the biblical application of Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape.
SERE Training is not a physical military training session. It is a specialized spiritual training session with limited physical activity. The principles of the training were merely adopted from U.S. military Special Operations curriculum.
During SERE training sessions, leaders will be introduced to apologetics. SERE is all about giving leaders of men and women the intellectual tools to deal with the growing group of atheists and agnostics they will encounter in the universities and the workplaces. They will be equipped to “always be ready to give a defense (gr. apologia) to everyone who asks…a reason for the hope that is in you…” 1 Peter 3:15
SERE Training is tried and proven and is a huge benefit for leaders who desire to gain an understanding in apologetics and to be equipped in spiritual warfare training. This is not an evangelistic effort to win the lost in a church camp setting. This is an effort to train the trainer, for leaders who will train future generations of people to win the lost and be leaders in their youth groups, small groups, churches, communities, and across America. It is about SPIRITUAL WARFARE.